CHRISTINE HOOCK is internationally active as an inspiring double bass soloist and chamber musician. She studied with Günter Klaus and Franco Petracchi in Frankfurt and Geneva.

A versatile virtuoso, Christine can be heard in the most varied constellations in classical music, world music and jazz. This is also reflected in her highly varied discography. Her new CD „Mozarteum Bass Sound – Christine Hoock“ will come out in 2017. Christine´s artistic partners include Benjamin Schmid, Alessandro Taverna, Quadro Nuevo, Winfried Rademacher and John Goldsby.

The international price winner´s guest appearances have included those at the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, the Lucerne Festival, the MusikTriennale in Cologne and at the Berlin and Salzburg Festivals. Concert tours have taken her all around the world.

Christine is Professor of Double Bass at the Mozarteum University Salzburg. Alongside her active concert activities, she gives master classes at international academies and festivals, also cooperating worldwide as a juror at competitions.

Christine is chairwoman of the International J.-M. Sperger Society and artistic director of the „International Rhodius Academy for Double Bass“.

Christine plays an English instrument dating from 1848 made by William Tarr.